Saturday 7 June 2014

Week 4

Not a good week, Monday ran/ walked for 4/1 intervals 25 mins ish, but then was struck with fatigue for the rest of the week after a busy few days with much gardening, housework and guests.  Nothing to do but take it easy.  Friday walked for 2 hrs in the countryside with a friend on a hot afternoon.  Wading through long grass definitely good for the thighs.

Saturday 4/1 intervals x 8 (32 mins total running!)  raining hard by the time we got home.  Dog was not impressed..

Week 3 Friday, Saturday

Forgot to blog these, but 3 min/ 1 min runs, 25 and 35 mins total respectively

Thursday 29 May 2014

Week 3 - Wednesday

5 mins warm up Xtrainer
27 mins run (2min run/ 1 walk x 8 plus cool down)
10 mins hula hoop *

The usual 2.5km loop round the school on Tarmac paths.  Heavy drizzle all the way round, but cool and not windy.  Rather nice running in the rain:)

*Was challenged to hula hoop the other way and I can't do it!  So 6 minutes anti-clockwise and 4 minutes spinning and dropping the hoop trying to get it to go clockwise!!


Tuesday - exercise: wii fit yoga strength and stretching, 20 mins, X trainer 20 mins

Well, here it is, on the line, for all to see...
Although I am not running just for weight loss or to trim down, it wouldn't be so bad to lose a little bit of spare tyre I've built up through middle-age and inactivity, and in the interest of scientific study, to see what other effects running has on my body shape.. So..from the bottom up (as it were):

Calf  38cm
Thigh  60
Hip  103
Waist  82
Bust  97
Forearm  26
Upper arm  29
Neck  35

Watch this space!

Monday 26 May 2014

Week 3 - Monday

Exercise :)
Hula hoop 6 mins
Warm up 5 mins X trainer, run 2 walk 1 x 7 (14 mins running)
Wii fit yoga stretch and strength 20 mins

Route - 2.5k loop from front door

Weather steady light rain 13degrees C

Food - leftover cake from the weekend, bagel and honey, banana, mackerel salad, risotto and spinach, 

My name is Rusty and I am a runner

Hello my name is Rusty and I am a runner... the more I say it the more it is likely to happen, even if no one else is listening.  Hence the blog (even if no one else is reading!)

So.  This restart of running after years of inactivity, for the record here are my goals:
Increase my stamina so that I don't get so tired after a full day of work or 2 hours shopping or whatever.
Lose 5 kilos to bring me down from the threshold of 'overweight' that the charts tell me I am about to cross, closer to my ideal weight of 68 kilos.
Run for an hour without stopping and enjoy it!
And the timing of these goals?  4 months sound ok?  That's the end of September.